Package & Parcel

s-turn, square-turn, TS1500, TS1600, turn conveyor, turned curve conveyor belt, u turn conveyor, power belt curve, taco turn, taco-turn

Square-Turn belt curves are extra-ordinarily robust conveyors and suitable for high-speed applications. This video shows a 90-degree parcel handling curve with BF 43 (model U-SQ-78.5_43-90), running at 650 FPM or 3.25 meters per second.

A high-grip belt assures that parcels don’t slide and maintain their position on the belt.

Full-Width Belt Merge

FLOW-TURN’s Flow-Merge FMFW conveyors utilize a full width (“FW”) belt which is folded around an angled knife roll to create a triangular transition arrangement with another conveyor.

This allows merge or spur applications at 45-degree and 30-degree angles (shown here, with BF 61.5), complementing FLOW-TURN’s power belt curve program. The belt is laced and easily replaceable, without opening the conveyor frame.

The robust design makes Flow-Merge FMFWs perfectly suitable as junction conveyors in baggage handling systems and for many other heavy-duty applications.

Square-Turn, Power Turn, belt bend, belt curve

Multiple Square-Turn belt curves can be combined to meet unique travel path requirements.

Flow-Turn power turns and spirals can be designed for a large variety of curve angles, e.g. for S-curve arrangements.

SLB Straight conveyor sections can be added as tangent conveyors or to increase S-curve distances.