Please see below for application examples or download our Packaging Lines brochure for more information.

The Spiral-Turn can be used in situations where an incline or decline is needed, especially when there is limited space for other applications.

Belt curves can be designed in various angles and to operate in food production facilities. For tight turns and high speeds, high-grip belts can be deployed that ensure proper product placement at all time.

The Knife Roll-Turn is designed for applications that require narrow gaps between up and down stream conveyors to transport small items safely and reliably. It utilizes 7/8” diameter end rolls for minimum transfer gaps, this helps the belt travel around a series of sealed roller bearings therefore the transfer point is fixed and not affected by belt tensioning. This curve is a great option for packaging of foods and beverages due to the seamless belting and opportunity for stainless steel design.

The Flow-Merge FMSB utilizes a series of strip belts (“SB”) to create a triangular transition arrangement with another conveyor. This design allows merge and spur applications at almost any angle at high speeds. The belts are precision cut strips, making this an excellent product for packaging lines, or packages and parcel.